Kaltura Capture as an audiovisual content management system in the university context





Audiovisual contents, Higher Education, evaluation, Training videos


The pandemic situation promoted asynchronous education, increasing the creation of audiovisual materials that have allowed them to be consulted by students at any time. This study analyzes the use that the students of the Degree in Pedagogy and Social Education have made of the videos prepared as a complement to learning and managed with Kaltura Capture, during the 2020-2021 academic year. Data on the use, degree of satisfaction and level of learning of the students in the use of this tool have been recorded, from a total of 225 participants (15.2% male, 84.8% female). The results show that there is a good perception of the educational experience, that the content is well explained in the videos, which facilitates understanding of the syllabus; They also point out the possibility of adapting to different learning rates and the non-existence of technical difficulties. Differences have been found depending on age, degree and job occupation.


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