Interactive dynamics, strategies in higher education to achieve professional competences




competencias genéricas, competencias específicas, educación superior, estrategias educativas.


This research analyzes the inclusion of dynamic strategies in the acquisition of competences since the beginning of higher education. This section presents the research problem and its objective, which is to determine the impact of interactive dynamics in the classroom based on generic and specific competences for future professionals.  We worked with first-level Economics students applying interactive dynamics to teach the contents of the syllable; and at the end of the semester, the level of acquired competencies was evaluated through a questionnaire, direct observation and evaluation of academic performance before and after the application of dynamics. The results show that cooperative work as a learning strategy has acceptance among students. It increases their capacity for organization, research and mutual resolution of problems, in addition to developing creativity and improving the quality of their work. The contrast of the findings of this research with other authors allow us to affirm that it is possible to apply interactive dynamics when there is a harmonious group environment, similar to other empirical studies. Moreover, although its use generates a greater interrelation between students and increases the skills acquired, its preparation demands time and additional effort from the professor, especially if they are large and heterogeneous group.


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