Eureka-challenge: a Service-Learning experience to learn the scientific method among different agents of the educational process


  • José Hidalgo Navarrete Centro Universitario Sagrada Familia
  • Elena Moreno Fuentes Centro Universitario Sagrada Familia



Service-learning, scientific method, ICT, cooperative learning


This experience describes a Service-Learning project dealing with proposing a challenge to different schools (preschool and primary schools) in which learners should record themselves doing an experiment following the scientific method. After that, schools should upload that video to a website in which all participants could see the different experiments. This methodological proposal is designed and carried out by preservice teachers who are at university and who are responsible for coordinating the whole activity.

In this sense, a repository of experiments would be created to be consulted, thus contributing, not only to the learning of participant classrooms, but also to any other students who are studying online.

After carrying out the activity, a survey was sent to the participating teachers from the different schools so that they could evaluate the activity and propose any improvements. Similarly, a certificate of participation was drawn up for all the agents involved.


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Author Biography

Elena Moreno Fuentes, Centro Universitario Sagrada Familia

Profesora Titular. Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua Extranjera.


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