Progress in the research on the implementation of the flipped classroom in elementary school.


  • Francisco Esteban Román Sánchez Universitat de València
  • Diana Marin Suelves Universitat de València
  • José Peirats Chacón Universitat de València



Flipped Classroom, primary, school, intervention


The inverted classroom or Flipped Classroom, is a pedagogical model that raises the possibility of transferring part of the teaching and learning process outside the classroom, in order to use class time for the development of cognitive processes of greater complexity and favor learning significant. The application of this model has grown in recent years in various educational contexts. In this text a bibliographic review is presented, whose objective has been to analyze the implementations that have been carried out in Primary Education, but also to highlight the characteristics of those that have obtained better results for the future design of interventions based on scientific evidence. From the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 19 articles were obtained for analysis. The results have shown that there are few publications focused on the Primary Education stage. Most are implemented in the science area with small samples and experimental design with pre-test and post-test. The majority agree on improving the motivation and responsibility of students in their learning.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Esteban Román Sánchez, Universitat de València

Universitat de València

Diana Marin Suelves, Universitat de València

Universitat de València

José Peirats Chacón, Universitat de València

Universitat de València


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