A saadi converted during the reign of Felipe IV: D. Felipe of Africa, prince of fez and Morocco
Saadi, convert, Morocco, Fez, foreign policy, Philip IVAbstract
Spanish policy in Northern Africa basically relied on interfering in the constant dynastic disputes of their monarchs, creating dissent. To this purpose, the Spanish crown encouraged the conversion of the pretender, usually christened with the name of the Spanish king protecting him, and adopting as his new surname the kingdom they were sovereigns or heirs, or the surname of the Spanish kings (Austria). There were many converted princes with these features who lived in Spain, mainly belonging to the Saadi dynasty. Most were called likewise, Felipe of Africa, so the chronological coincidence of many of them is a difficulty when it comes to telling which branch of the royal family was backed by Spain, the period and why. This work presents, through previously unpublished documents available in the appendix, and duly contextualized in historic terms, the unknown don Felipe of Africa, heir prince to the kingdoms of Fez and Morocco, who lived in Spain under the protection of Philip IV.
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