Variations in the consumption of mental health medications in a brazilian primary care unit: is there influence of the pandemic?




Primary Health Care, Pharmaceutical Services, Special Control Medications, COVID-19


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has generated the need for adjustments and adaptations in various areas, from behaviour to regulations, with significant repercussions in terms of public health. 

Objective: To compare the monthly average consumption (MAC) of special control medications used for mental health before and during the pandemic in a Basic Health Unit (UBS) in the Federal District, Brazil. 

Methods: Consumption data were obtained through the local inventory management system, and the MAC (±standard deviation) was calculated excluding months of stockouts, considering the period from 2020 to 2022. The MAC±SD of 2019 was used as a comparative parameter. 

Results: Consumption of 32 medications was analyzed, with the majority being antiepileptics (N=10; 31.2 %), antidepressants (N=10; 31.2 %), and antipsychotics (N=8; 25.0 %). It was observed that more than half of the analyzed medications (n=18; 56.3 %) maintained an increase in consumption throughout the pandemic years. 

Conclusion: There was a significant variation in the consumption of special control medications at the UBS during the pandemic. These results may be associated with various factors, such as the increase in clinical conditions justifying their prescription, in line with current literature on the potential impact of social isolation and measures taken by competent authorities to contain the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.


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How to Cite

Pereira Santos R, Silva Teles Farrapo J, Vaz Machado A, de Souza Silva A, Nunes de Souza B, Fonseca Lima R, Santos Santana R. Variations in the consumption of mental health medications in a brazilian primary care unit: is there influence of the pandemic?. Ars Pharm [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 20 [cited 2024 May 17];65(2):116-25. Available from:



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