About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Ars Pharmaceutica is a scientific journal of multidisciplinary character that publishes research in the field of pharmaceutical sciences in the widest sense,  with special emphasis on Chemical and Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacology, Pharmacy Practice, Pharmaceutical Care Toxicology and Radiopharmacy. It accepted Spanish and English written articles (if it was received in both languages it may consider publishing the article in Spanish and English). Manuscripts must be original, must not have been published or be under evaluation in any other journal or means of dissemination.

The manuscripts sent to the journal for publishing implies acceptance of all the conditions specified in these rules of publication. The Editorial Board of the magazine is not responsible for results, statements, opinions and points of view held by the authors in their different forms and methods of intervention in the journal. The following matters will be considered further:

Authorship contributions and acknowledgements

Under the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the signing authors should have participated in the work, to take responsibility for at least one of the parts of the work, identify those responsible for each of the other parts and trust in the ability and integrity of those who share responsibility. Those contributors who have contributed in some way in the preparation of the manuscript, but whose contribution does not justify authorship may be listed in the Acknowledgments section.

All references to natural or legal persons listed in this paragraph should acknowledge and agree that this term, corresponding to the authors manage that process.

Conflict of interests

Authors must disclose potential conflicts of those professional, personal, financial or any other kinds which may influence the content of labour interests. If the manuscript or part of its content had been previously published in any media, it must be brought to the attention of the Editorial Committee of the journal, providing a copy of the published.


If the research has been partial or total financing by a public or private institution, it shall be recorded in both the letter and the text of the manuscript.

Permits reproduction of published material

It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain all necessary permits to reproduce any material protected by copyright or reproduction, as well as the corresponding written patient authorization whose photographs are included in the article, carried out so as to ensure anonymous thereof.

Ethics compromise

In human people research, the authors should state explicitly that they have met the ethical standards of the Committee for Research and Clinical Trials established in the institution or Centers were developed the work, conform Declaration of Helsinki (http://www.wma.net/en/30publications/10policies/ b3/index.html).

In research with animals, the authors should indicate that national standards for the care and use of laboratory animals are met.

Clause "anti-plagiarism"

This magazine will carry out checks to avoid plagiarism through the TURNITIN application. Also, reviewers and authors can have other tools like Plagiarisma.

Publishing Schedule

Quarterly. Issues are published on March 20th, June 20th, September 20th and December 20th.


Peer Review Process


This journal uses the advice of external evaluators to conduct peer review in the double-blind system.
It asks for people who have to evaluate a job to commit to the following requirements:

1. To be able as an expert to review the matter to assess the concerned subject matter in the manuscript           

2.  Going on the attached format as a guide for elaborating the content, style and format to review, specific aspects of the manuscripts which I must assess or ignore,  keeping always  respect to authors

3.  Return the manuscript once read and issued the report

4. Submit the report no later than 15 days

5. Declare any conflict of personal interests, academic, research, economic or financial in relation to the manuscript        

6. Maintain confidentiality regarding the manuscript and review

7. Know the economic compensations or  journal recognition 

8.  Accept issue decision Accept/Reject

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Editorial Process

As indicated, the articles are sent together with a cover letter in which the evaluation of them for publication in one of the sections of the Journal will be requested, expressly indicating it is a research that has not been disseminated or published previously, and only sent to the Journal ARS PHARMACEUTICA for evaluation and publication if applicable. It indicates the contributions regarding originality and novelty that, according to the authors, raises work. All entries received are evaluated, first by the editorial committee and after, by external reviewers.

The cover letter must be signed by all authors. Included the written authorization by all people who appear in the acknowledgements or those that they have been studied during the research and that identification was essential to show the results.

The ARS PHARMACEUTICA’s Redaction Committee will acknowledge receipt to the authors of the research received and after telling about its acceptance or reject.

The manuscripts will be reviewed anonymously by two experts in the subject and/or methodology used (double-blind). The Redaction Committee, looking at external informs reserve the right to accept/reject the articles for publishing, so to introduce style modifications and/or shorten the texts if exceed the extent permitted, promising to respect the contents of the original. The review form used by journal's reviewers is on the website.

All articles will be reviewed by external peer review. If there is no agreement between the trials of the two authors, the articles will be submitted to a third reviewer.  After reviewing and sending to the authors they will be back in seven days.

The authors will receive the peer review form with anonymous assessment and those ones will be able to realize the appropriate corrections or reply.

After seeing the external informs, the factors which are making the decision about the accept/reject the manuscripts are:

a) Originality: totally original, valuable information, reply the known results

b) Actuality and novelty

c) Relevance: apply the results for the resolution of the concrete problems

d) Significance: advance the scientific knowledge.

e) Scientific reliability and validity: contrasted methodological quality

f) Presentation: good writing, organization (logical and coherent presentation)

Accepted manuscripts ‘authors will receive the printing proofs for their correction by e-mail in PDF format.  They must give back to the Journal redaction by e-mail 72 h following reception.

Ethics Responsibility

It is the responsibility and obligation of the Ars Pharmaceutica redaction remembering to the authors the following questions:

When done tests are described in humans must be indicted if the procedures made are conformed to the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional or regional) and Helsinki Declaration of 1975 as revised in 2000.  It must not use names, initials or hospital numbers, overall in figures. When animals experiment is described it must indicate if they are followed the rules of an institution or international research council or national law regulating the care and use of laboratory animals.

Having the publish permit by Institution which has funded research.

The journal does not accept manuscript which has been published previously.  Authors are responsible for obtaining rights to the appropriate permission for partially reproducing material (text, tables or figures) from other publications and for citing their source correctly.

Conflict of interests. Ars Pharmaceutica expects the to authors declare some commercial association that may represent a conflict of interest in connection with the article submitted.

Authorship. The author's list must be only researchers who have contributed to developing the work.  Having helped in the data collection or having participle in any technology are not enough criteria to be an author.

ARS PHARMACEUTICA disclaims any responsibility for possible conflicts derived from the authorship of the works published in the Journal.

Informed consent. Authors must mention in the Methods section that the procedures and controls used in patients were performed after obtaining informed consent.

Added information. The Journal reports through its website all steps taken to have informed the authors of the situation is that his manuscript.

The judgments and opinions expressed in the articles and communications published are of the author (s) and not necessarily of the Editorial Committee.

The editorial committee and the editorial company disclaim any responsibility for the content of the manuscript. Neither the editorial Committee nor the editorial company guarantee nor support any product that is advertised in the Journal, or guarantee the claims made by the manufacturer of that product or service.


Journal History

Ars Pharmaceutica is a scientific journal in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences, with special emphasis on Technology and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacy Practice, Pharmaceutical Care, Toxicology and Radiopharmacy.

It has been the pioneer in Spain in these fields, published by the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Granada, since 1960 without interruption.

During this period it is adapted to the actual style of most scientific journals, being nowadays an open-access journal.

This has meant greater accessibility of researchers from all countries to the publication, which has been shown by the number of visits on the web, and interest to publish their work on it. The acceptance of articles either in Spanish or English has also helped to increase the number of originals received in the last decade.

It is currently indexed in the following databases/ directories/repertories:
Emerging Source Citation Index (Clarivate), EMBASE, EBSCO, Dialnet, DOAJ, DIGIBUG, ERIH PLUS, Google Scholar, ISOC (CSIC); International Pharmaceutical Abstract (IPA); Índice Bibliográfico Español en Ciencias de la Salud (IBECS), Latindex, SciELO, SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus (until 2018), MIAR.

The different categories of articles that can be published have been clearly established. To speed up the sending of originals through the web, an electronic delivery system has been developed. Human and economic resources have been enabled, which allow us to offer the journal in electronic format and free of charge to all interested scientists and professionals. The publication norms and the editorial norms have been adapted to the international requirements of scientific publications. From there, the authors are reminded that before submitting an article, they verify that they meet the requirements included in the author's guide.

Ars Pharmaceutica is a peer-reviewed journal that uses the system of external review by experts (peer-review), in the knowledge of the objects investigated and in the methodologies used in research.

In 2015, Ars Pharmaceutica has become part of the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) making it available to public and private research organizations, scientific and professional societies.

In 2016, it has obtained the seal of editorial quality granted by the FECYT, for a period of three years. Therefore, from here we invite all authors to send their contributions to the different sections of the journal.

The reports given by SCImago Journal & Country Rank in 2017, place our review within the field of pharmaceutical sciences with an H index of 17 and an SJR of 0,112.