João Pinto Delgado and La Reyna Ester: The Influence of Sociopolitical Circumstances on his Life and Poetry (1590- 1627)


  • Roser López Cruz King’s College London



João Pinto Delgado, New Christians, cripto-Jews, Rouen, La reyna Ester


João Pinto Delgado was a Portuguese New Christian who exiled to France in the early 1620s. In Rouen, he published his only print work, La reyna Ester, lamentaciones del propheta Jeremías, historia de Rut y varias poesías (Rouen, 1627), dedicated to Cardenal Richelieu. This is a compilation of three long poems and a few short poems, all of them of biblical inspiration and written in Spanish. Nevertheless, these are not the only poems he wrote. During his life –before and after he went into exile in Rouen– he always kept close to literary and poetic circles, although he never wrote poetry as a professional writer. In this paper, I examine the context of his life and work in order to sketch Pinto Delgado’s literary profile and his authorial strategies. I also analyse the reasons why he published La reyna Ester in 1627.


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Author Biography

Roser López Cruz, King’s College London

Research student. Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies.


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How to Cite

López Cruz, R. (2019). João Pinto Delgado and La Reyna Ester: The Influence of Sociopolitical Circumstances on his Life and Poetry (1590- 1627). Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 2(1), 87–102.



Monográfico: "El autor en la modernidad"