Out-of-time Translation: Recognition Pathways in the Works of Qiu Miaojin


  • Alberto Poza Poyatos Departamento de Artes y Humanidades, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya




LGBTIQA Literature, Taiwanese Literature, Qiu Miaojin, Queer Studies, Lesbian Studies


This article argues that the popularization of the Taiwanese lesbian writer Qiu Miaojin (1969-1995) took place out of time. The attention paid by the general press both to the author and to her oeuvre shows that the relevance of this writer is closely related to the translation into the Anglo-European context of her text Last Words From Montmartre (1996) (Mengmate Yishu) in 2014. The fact that translation served to popularize Last Words in Taiwan again was concerning for certain groups of Taiwanese lesbian readers, who considered that the pessimistic imagination regarding the lesbian subject that this text puts forward could bring about a regressive future for the community. The contrast between the opinions of these politically invested readers in feminist lesbian magazines of the time and the discourse of the general press leads to the conclusion that translation, as a technology of recognition, is inscribed in a circuit able to affect the native context of the original text, even in an out-of-time manner, causing a regression in the progressive imagination of the lesbian subject. This article also examines alternative representations of the lesbian subject that appeared after Qiu Miaojin.


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How to Cite

Poza Poyatos, A. (2025). Out-of-time Translation: Recognition Pathways in the Works of Qiu Miaojin. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 8(1), 237–255. https://doi.org/10.30827/tn.v8i1.31156


