Cixous with Deleuze: Writing in the Body and Becoming-Woman

Thinking about Community beyond Immunity


  • Alexandre Martin Université Bordeaux Montaigne



Immunity, Community, Power, Love, Encounter, Become


Roberto Esposito shed light on the new political paradigm of our modernity: immunity. This, although necessary for the constitution of the common, is today turning into its opposite and risks destroying what it is supposed to protect. Biopolitics is then reversed into thanapolitics. Through the experimental reading that Deleuze proposes of Cixous in 1972, it appears the possibility, even the necessity, of thinking about a new form of community which rests less on power than on an entirely redesigned force, in this case the potency of love opened on the outside. This finds its expression in a style of matrix and maternal writing that Cixous has developped through the theory and practice of female writing that she developed in her essays and novels from the 1970s. We will thus try to question the link that exists between the Cixous’ femenine writing and Deleuze’s becoming-woman in order to experiment with new political gestures –understood as the institution of the commons– where differences are more welcomed than rejected.


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How to Cite

Martin, A. (2024). Cixous with Deleuze: Writing in the Body and Becoming-Woman: Thinking about Community beyond Immunity. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 7(2), 171–189.


