The Limits of Interpretation, the Interpretation of Limits


  • Nicolás Garayalde UNC (Argentina) — CONICET



Limits of interpretation, Roman Ingarden, Places of indeterminacy, Work of art, Aesthetics, Ontology, Epistemology


This essay sets out to address the difficult and extensive problem of the limits of interpretation. To this end, I will focus specifically on Roman Ingarden's phenomenological aesthetics and his quest to establish the objective nature of the work of art (through a description of its schematic structure) as a mode of regulating the reader’s concretizations. I will attempt to analyse the Polish philosopher's strategies and arguments, especially with regard to the concept of places of indeterminacy, in order to demonstrate that the impossibility of the establishment of the limits of the work leads to the impossibility of an ontological limitation of the limits of interpretation. In turn, I will try to argue that such an epistemological situation situates the discussion on the value of an interpretation not in terms of fidelity to a supposed artistic objectivity but in terms of the aesthetic value of the concretization, understood as an encounter with the unexpected and an experience of de-automatisation.


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How to Cite

Garayalde, N. (2024). The Limits of Interpretation, the Interpretation of Limits. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 7(2), 190–216.


