Silenced Literature Crossing Borders. Towards a Theoretical Framework for the Discourse Analysis of Texts Written by Migrant Female Authors


  • Antonio Jesús Tinedo Rodríguez Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
  • Mercedes Osuna Rodríguez Universidad de Córdoba



Feminist literary criticism, Postcolonialism, Discourse Analysis, Migration, Feminism


Women’s voices have been systematically silenced in society and in literature throughout history. Migrant women authors have suffered a double silencing of their texts, for being both women and migrants. This oppression is usually stronger because of class and gender issues. This article aims at developing a theoretical framework that may be useful for the study of texts written by migrant women due to the specific characteristics of these texts. To this end, the framework is nurtured from feminist literary criticism and postcolonial criticism with the aim of exploring the texts produced by migrant female authors in a holistic way. Likewise, the concept of authorship and the treatment of the possible autobiographical elements contained in the texts will be explored in depth by contrasting the theoretical proposals by Barthes and Foucault. In conclusion, the proposed framework has its roots on the linkage of the basic axes for the analysis of migrant women’s literature, emphasizing the social value of these texts in terms of racism, inequalities, and violence.


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How to Cite

Tinedo Rodríguez, A. J., & Osuna Rodríguez, M. (2023). Silenced Literature Crossing Borders. Towards a Theoretical Framework for the Discourse Analysis of Texts Written by Migrant Female Authors. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 6(1), 171–189.


