'Speaking out' and the Scenes of Politics


  • Orazio Irrera Université Paris VIII




“Speaking out” (“prise de parole”), glottopolitics, political subjectivation, Jacques Rancière, performativity, statement (énonciation).


In this paper we deal with the political dimension of glottopolitics through the notion of “speaking out” (“prise de parole”), i.e. a courageous statement that is taken in a political context, in which power relations are presupposed and questioned through acts of language. However, this does not mean that either language (langage) or languages (langues) can transform by themselves these power relations. From this point of view, we will approach Jacques Rancière’s perspective to show that speaking out cannot in any way be dissociated from the processes of political subjectivation of which it is part, or, more precisely, from the processes of subjectivation to which this speaking out is itself supposed to give rise. This constitutes an event which, by the same act, exceeds and saturates the pre-existing set of social and political determinations, and thus produces an interruption of power by opening a gap where the relationships between individuals or groups are no longer the same as before: this is precisely what, following Rancière, we must understand by “scenes of politics”.


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How to Cite

Irrera, O. (2020). ’Speaking out’ and the Scenes of Politics. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 3(1), 18–29. https://doi.org/10.30827/tnj.v3i1.11429



Monográfico: "Jacques Rancière: ficción y política hoy"