The edges of representation


  • Andrea Soto Calderón Universitat Pompeu Fabra



Rancière, edges, images, emancipation, representation, art, politics


This article is based on the following hypothesis: in Jacques Rancière’s reflectionsabout emancipation, the modes of appearance of social movements do not have anaggregated sociological nature; instead, what is at stake is the creation of their scene ofappearance. For Rancière, the relations between art and politics are not founded on theircontents but on the modes of their realisation. But they are not only configured throughdiscursive forms; images also play a crucial role in the creation of sensitive worlds vis-à-visthe presentation of the dominant discourse. Based on this hypothesis, this article arguesthat Rancière’s philosophy contains a ‘methodology of edges’ that is useful for exploringthe ambivalent capacity of images in geopolitics to produce territories, to trace lines of distributionand visibility. From this perspective, we will examine the dual meaning acquired bythe notion of border as a space in which a boundary is established but also a place whereinterruption occurs; rather than simply a line that separates, it forms interstices, a place offlows and desires. And therein lies its fragility.


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How to Cite

Soto Calderón, A. (2020). The edges of representation. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 3(1), 30–49.



Monográfico: "Jacques Rancière: ficción y política hoy"