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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text will follow the requirements of style, structure, and bibliographically found in the Guidelines for the presentation of articles for the CHALLENGES XXI when appear in About the journal.
  • The file of the work sent is OpenOffice, Microsoft Word formatted and the charts and tables have an adequate quality for its reproduction.
  • The file of the work sent is OpenOffice, Microsoft Word formatted and the charts and tables have an adequate quality for its reproduction.
  • Whenever possible, URL addresses will be provided for the references in the manuscripts.
  • The text will be 1.5 spaced, 12 source size; italics instead of underlined (except in URL addresses); and all the illustrations, figures, and tables will be placed in the correct places in the text and not at the end.
  • Anonymity is guaranteed without referring to the authors in the text, and having prepared the file from the processor of the text. For example, from Word: go to File -» click on Verify if there are problems -» click on all boxes and select “insert document” -» in the section “Properties of the document and personal information” click on “erase all” -» and finally “Close”.

Author Guidelines

  • Different article formats are admitted: essays or of reflection, empiric or investigation, except when they are original or belong to the author who is presenting them. They can be translations, when they have the right permission without any responsibility for the CHALLENGES XXI journal.
  • Articles in languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, and English are accepted, as well as others when the editorial committee of CHALLENGES XXI gives its authorization.
  • The length of the works can vary from 5,000 to 6,000 words (including summaries, key words, notes, and bibliography). Longer articles must justify their length.
  • Every document must be properly paged and justified, 12 points Calibri letter type and 1.5 spaced. All that is related to the format, even the structure and the norm, are carefully explained in the presentation guides (complete) of the manuscripts for CHALLENGES XXI , which authors can consult.
  • In order to guarantee the absolute anonymous revision, the first page of the article will be delivered in an hour apart with all its information, just as it is presented in the presentation guides of the articles (1st page) for CHALLENGES XXI.
  • The first line of each paragraph will not be indented, but the rest will, and a blank space will be left when a new section or subdivision is written, and must follow the format of the guidelines.
  • It will be mandatory to write the title in the language of its presentation an in English, too. A summary between 150 and 200 words will be accompanied in both languages. Both the summary as the key words will be written using the same type and size of words.
  •    Any bibliographical quotation will follow the APA norms sixth edition. These bibliographical references will be included at the       end, alphabetically ordered and following the international model that the APA sixth edition sets, as it is explained in the previous full guideline, in the References section.
  •  All the sketches, drawings, charts, and tables will be included in the body of the text, in their corresponding place, and following the APA norms for their presentations, with the title in the position and format indicated by the guideline.
  • Footnotes will not be accepted, nor at the end of the document; they will be used in the first page to identify authors an in justified circumstances and never to refer to other works.

Privacy Statement

De acuerdo con la legislación vigente en materia de protección de datos, se le informa que RETOS XXI tratará los datos recabados de los usuarios registrados y no registrados de esta revista para la gestión, publicación y difusión de artículos científicos y revistas científicas arbitradas. La información recabada es necesaria para contactar a los involucrados en el proceso editorial, autoría y publicación de contenidos, así como para mantener informados a los usuarios registrados.

En el marco de lo anterior, sus datos no serán compartidos con terceros, salvo que exista una obligación legal de hacerlo.