Social Commitment and Responsibility: The Case of the Autonomous University of Chiapas
Autonomous University of Chiapas, University Reform, Social Management, Social Commitment and ResponsibilityAbstract
The Autonomous University of Chiapas has initiated a process of transformation, rethinking, and revising its organizational structure and substantive and adjective functions to respond effectively to the needs of society. Through the examination of institutional documents, the university’s reform under the 2018-2026 rectoral administration is being analysed, which is still ongoing. One of the outcomes of this reform is the incorporation of a social management model to address social commitment, responsibility, and sustainable regional development, and contribute to mitigating the global crisis that has had devastating impacts on the economy, health, environment, and education, among others. This strengthens the connection between its educational programs to meet the needs of the social, productive, and governmental sectors.
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