The schools of the Ave Maria of Arnao. Didactic reflections




School, Arnao, Ave Maria, Manjón, didactics, methodology


Introduction: This year 2023 marks one hundred and ten years since the inauguration of the “Escuelas del Ave María de Arnao” (Ave María de Arnao Schools), founded by the “Real Compañía Asturiana de Minas” (Real Asturian Society of Mining). They were inaugurated on the day of July 3, 1913. This center responds to the type of schools that, in the social context of Asturias at the beginning of the 20th century, were promoted in the form of paternalism and philanthropy from the business sector.

Method: By reviewing the set of preserved primary and secondary sources this article analyzes the foundation and historical evolution of the Ave María de Arnao School, perhaps the most significant within the set of manjonian schools existing in Asturias since the beginning of the 20th century, according to the considered hypothesis. Based on the available documentary sources and establishing the state of the question, a descriptive study of the didactic and educational model developed in this educational center which always maintained a close relationship with D. Andrés Manjón, mentor of the Avemarian schools of Granada, is carried out in 1889.

Results: Framed the extensive relationship of Avemarian schools in Asturias in the educational project of the professor of the University of Granada Andrés Manjón, the research focuses, due to reasons of opportunity and space, on the analysis of the Arnao school. The results obtained allow us to develop a descriptive and evaluative study, of a qualitative nature, focused on four categories: circumstances that explain the creation and historical evolution of this center, description of its location and facilities, and analysis of the methodology and didactic resources used.

Conclusions: A synthesis of the results that confirms the initial consequently formulated hypothesis is offered: The Ave María de Arnao School constitutes a truly original educative and didactic initiative that, as a concrete application and adaptation of the educational thinking of A. Manjón, contributes to the improvement of the Asturian school, especially among the sons and daughters of the working class.


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How to Cite

García López, M. E. (2023). The schools of the Ave Maria of Arnao. Didactic reflections. Revista UNES. Universidad, Escuela Y Sociedad, (16), 70–91.


