17 OBJETIVOS Y UN MAPA. An approach to the SDGs from heritage





Heritage communities, Sustainable Development Goals, citizen participation, cultural heritage


Introduction: University Extension Program of the Jaume I University (PEU-UJI) is developing a project centered on people and their work to value culture, heritage, art, and social development, recognizing the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in improving people’s lives and providing an holistic vision that incorporates cultural and natural heritage as critical tools to contribute to their achievement at the territorial level. The “17 objetivos y un mapa” project aims to bring the SDGs closer to local communities.

Method: During 2021 and 2022, phase 1 of this major project was carried out in which, thanks to the use of specifically designed tools, the involved communities became aware of the importance of sustainable actions to transform the future. In this process, projects were identified and reviewed from the perspective of the SDGs, and reflections, experiences, and best practices were shared, contributing to mutual learning.

Results: The results obtained in this first phase allowed participants to restructure some aspects to benefit a more sustainable future, create synergies between stakeholders and establish specific objectives related to the SDGs that would allow them to measure their impact more effectively.

Conclusions: Phase 1 of the project represented a starting point for pioneering work in SDGs from a heritage perspective, identifying opportunities for collaboration between organizations and expanding the scope and impact of their activities.


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Author Biographies

Angela López Sabater, ARAE Patrimonio y Restauración SLP

Architect specialized in the enhancement of historical heritage, Master in Conservation in Architectural Heritage (Heritage Management). She makes part of ARAE Patrimonio y Restauración’s architectural studio where she coordinates the didactic heritage activities. She won the Europa Nostra Awards for the Palauet Nolla (Meliana), the European Heritage Stories-2019 and the European Heritage Makers-2021. She is member of the International Network of Heritage Education(RIEP-INHE) and a local agent of the European Heritage Days of the Council of Europe.

Vanesa García López de Andújar, Arquitecta e historiadora del arte

Architect and graduated in Art History with extraordinary award of bachelor's degree Carlos Riba. Master in Conservation in Architectural Heritage. She has experience in the realization of projects and works of intervention in architecture. She has formed in cultural heritage in Florence (Italy) and Mérida (Mexico). She is part of manages and programmes team for the website and mobile application of mapping Nolla mosaic www.nollamap.org. She participates in "17 objectives and a map" Project.

Angel Portolés Górriz, Universidad Jaume I

Cultural Manager. Degree in Humanities.

Since 2001 he develope plans and programmes for the implementation of the Jaume I University of Castellon's cultural policies within the University Extension Programme. Promoting participation through areas for social, cultural and heritage innovation. Accompanying processes that have emerged from the citizens (from the bottom upwards) that place culture, education, heritage, art and social development at the centre. He is member of Faro Convention Network.


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How to Cite

López Sabater, A., García López de Andújar, V., & Portolés Górriz, A. (2023). 17 OBJETIVOS Y UN MAPA. An approach to the SDGs from heritage. Revista UNES. Universidad, Escuela Y Sociedad, (15), 43–57. https://doi.org/10.30827/unes.i15.27504


