Classification of Art Museums according to their educational ICT. A classification from the confluence of museology, pedagogy and neuroeducation




Museology, Education and Culture, Neuroeducation, Educational Technology, Educational media


The use of ICTs as educational tools in art museums has been normalized for some time now. In the specific case of the use of ICTs for educational purposes in art museums, although it is widespread in almost all art museums, it does not present the same characteristics, uses, and functionalities among them. Therefore, it is necessary to classify these museums based on the educational ICTs they design, develop, and use in order to, on the one hand, conceptualize these educational uses and evaluate the current situation, both generally and particularly; and, on the other hand, provide a basis on which to design and develop powerful educational ICTs according to the educational role to which each museum subscribes.

To arrive at this classification, a common construct has been created that reflects the ideas and concerns of the three disciplines directly involved in the learning process in art museums: museology, pedagogy, and neuroeducation. Based on the resulting indicators from this construct, museums have been classified according to their educational ICTs and characterized according to them, analyzing and treating these data statistically. Finally, this classification has been connected to the theoretical basis on which this common construct is based.


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How to Cite

Moreno-Medrano, A. (2023). Classification of Art Museums according to their educational ICT. A classification from the confluence of museology, pedagogy and neuroeducation. Revista UNES. Universidad, Escuela Y Sociedad, (15), 75–101.


