Training in the specialist person for community cultural mediation




mediación, cultural, patrimonio


Introduction: the research corresponds to a contextual delimitation, on contents that are developed within the framework of a patrimonial education that is present, implicitly, in community environments, where dynamics of safeguarding their legacies are generated from the valorization of their own.

The set of social actions that allow community processes to be dynamized include elements of intangible cultural heritage (such as the case of oralities) and require a technical guideline that strengthens the interaction between the local inhabitants of a community with their legacies; that is to say, that the mediation that occurs spontaneously must consider a pedagogy from the non-formal, in order to generate an optimal attitude and behavior for the training of cultural mediators.

Method: an analysis is carried out on mediating dynamics in several community-based territories, in which mediation has been identified, not only present as a linking instrument between heritage spaces and the population itself, but also in determining the way in which that people recognize a character of interculturality by being in constant social coexistence with audiences and/or visitors from outside the community.

Results: the training that is determined, to achieve effective cultural mediation, is presented through the proposal of a training model built to be applied in community heritage environments.

Conclusions: a cultural mediation, in relation to the space in which it is carried out, forces the mediator to be the architect of the management of the patrimonial educational dynamic, and for this he needs specific training.


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How to Cite

Buitrón Chávez, S., & Moreno Montoro, M. I. (2023). Training in the specialist person for community cultural mediation. Revista UNES. Universidad, Escuela Y Sociedad, (15), 5–22.


