Teaching of Social Sciences and Education for Peace. An assessment based on teaching practice


  • Andres Palma Valenzuela Universidad de Granada




Pre-school Education, Values, Peace, Peace Culture, Education for Peace, LOMLOE


Introduction: It's been a decade since we first started teaching the subject "Education for Peace and Values at a Pre-school Level", which is part of the Degree in Pre-school education at the University of Granada (UGR). It is not easy to analyse every dimension of our experience due to the varied nature of the evidence we have collected in terms of both teaching and research practices. 

Method: It is for this reason that this work will be focused solely on evaluating the treatment received by "Education for Peace" under the current legal framework. This is a compulsory, 6-credit subject which, along with another 6-credit subject, "Contributions of the Sociology of Families and Children to Pre-School Education", makes up the wider module "The Social Dimension of Pre-school Education".

Results: Results are obtained from an analysis of the organic Law: Ley Orgánica 3/2020, de 29/12 (LOMLOE); del R. Decreto 95/2022, de 1/02, whereby the structure and requirements for pre-school education are established, BOE 28, de 02/02/2022; 4 instructions from the Government of Andalusia and the Guide to the Degree in Pre-school Education, approved by ANECA as the regulating framework of the qualification since the new curriculum was established in between 2009 and 2010.

Conclusions: By analysing the treatment given by these legal sources to Peace Culture (PC), as reflected in Education for Peace (EfP), we obtain a number of conclusions which help us determine the current state of this issue in order to design future lines of action and research.


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Author Biography

Andres Palma Valenzuela, Universidad de Granada

Profesor Titular de Universidad en el Departamento de Didactica de las Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Granada


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How to Cite

Palma Valenzuela, A. (2023). Teaching of Social Sciences and Education for Peace. An assessment based on teaching practice. Revista UNES. Universidad, Escuela Y Sociedad, (14), 5–25. https://doi.org/10.30827/unes.i14.27121


