Educating in heritage with a gender perspective from non-formal education: The project "Sunning the river of life"


  • Isabel Cambil Campaña
  • Maribel Díez Jiménez
  • Ana María Gómez Román
  • María del Carmen Hernández Montalván
  • Josefina Martos Huertas
  • Marta Pedraza Rodríguez
  • Sara Torre Pérez
  • Marisa Ruiz López
  • Claudia Cifuentes Martínez
  • Susana Elena Sánchez Salmerón
  • María Viñas Valverde



History of the daily life of women, Domestic work related to water; Guadix; Guadix region; Twentieth century


Introduction: This article presents the research project entitled "Sunning in the river of life". Carried out by a group of women belonging to Matria Association of women for a culture also in feminine*, linked to the field of formal and non-formal education, with the aim of valuing the maintenance activities carried out by women in their daily life called "domestic". 

Method: The methodology used has been narrative biographical, which as a branch of interpretive research, shares some general principles of qualitative research. Method that focuses on the experience of the subject whose story allows us to know her experience centered on a topic and in a specific time and context. Using standardized and in-depth interviews, systematic and participant observation, discussion groups with the participation of researchers, to obtain data. 

Results: The results of the investigation have shown numerous variables related to the daily work of women and water, relevant to deepen the analysis of the history of the daily life of women and to value the so-called "domestic" jobs that They are guarantors of the well-being of the community. 

Conclusions: This research opens the way to continue with the investigation of the history of the daily life of women in a specific time and context and to reflect on it from a critical and constructive perspective both in formal and non-formal and informal education with the goal of achieving a more just and egalitarian society and favor culture also in feminine.


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Author Biographies

Isabel Cambil Campaña

Restauradora de antigüedades

Maribel Díez Jiménez

Doctora en Estudios de las Mujeres

Ana María Gómez Román

Profesora Titular de Universidad

María del Carmen Hernández Montalván


Josefina Martos Huertas

Profesora de Enseñanza Secundaria

Marta Pedraza Rodríguez

Profesora de Enseñanza Secundaria

Sara Torre Pérez


Marisa Ruiz López

Gestora Cultural

Claudia Cifuentes Martínez

Gestora Cultural

Susana Elena Sánchez Salmerón

Maestra de Educación infantil

María Viñas Valverde



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How to Cite

Cambil Campaña, I., Díez Jiménez, M., Gómez Román, A. M., Hernández Montalván, M. del C., Martos Huertas, J., Pedraza Rodríguez, M., Torre Pérez, S., Ruiz López, M., Cifuentes Martínez, C., Sánchez Salmerón, S. E., & Viñas Valverde, M. (2022). Educating in heritage with a gender perspective from non-formal education: The project "Sunning the river of life". Revista UNES. Universidad, Escuela Y Sociedad, (13), 49–68.


