Researching and Creating: The Creativity and the Work with Historical Sources as a Way to Develop Historical Thinking in the Classroom




historical thinking; historical sources; creative learning; active and participatory learning


On the basis of the predominant presence of rote memory and conceptual contents in the History education, in this paper we make an educational proposal to develop the historical thinking in the classroom by means of the work with historical sources and the encouragement of the creative learning. The principal core of this proposal is the elaboration of a research project in a group. Through this project the students will delve into some historical aspects of the past by the study of historical sources of the period and they will materialise their research in an original work of literary, artistic, musical or audiovisual nature. The methodology employ in this proposal bases upon the creative learning and the active and participatory learning. With its application we want that the students develop procedural skills to study and value by themselves the past. Additionally, we intend to encourage the creativity in the classroom, with the objective that the students explore other personal expressions and they make connexions with other disciplines and academic and personal experiences. The educational proposal that we present in the following lines has been designed for the study of the Second World War. This content is taught in the subject Historia del Mundo Contemporáneo, in the first course of the Bachillerato en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, but the proposal can be adapted to other historical periods and educational levels.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Andújar, I. M. (2022). Researching and Creating: The Creativity and the Work with Historical Sources as a Way to Develop Historical Thinking in the Classroom. Revista UNES. Universidad, Escuela Y Sociedad, (13), 87–96.



Teaching Innovation