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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • La petición no ha sido publicada previamente, ni se ha presentado a otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación en Comentarios al editor).
  • El fichero enviado está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, o WordPerfect.
  • Se han añadido direcciones web e identificadores DOI para las referencias donde ha sido posible.
  • El texto cumple con los requisitos bibliográficos y de estilo indicados en las Normas para autoras/es, que se pueden encontrar en Acerca de la revista.
  • Si esta enviando a una sección de la revista que se revisa por pares, tiene que asegurase que las instrucciones en Asegurando de una revisión a ciegas) han sido seguidas.

Author Guidelines


The manuscript must be submitted using the MANUSCRIPT TEMPLATES. Two template files (Title Page and Main Text) must be sent through the system enabled on this website (Open Journal Systems).

The following information must appear on the first page of the text:

  • Article's title: appearing in Spanish and English. Maximum length of 120 characters, with spaces. If there is a subheading, it should be placed after a full stop (period). Font size 14.

  • Indicate, if possible, the author`'s departmental unit, followed by the province and country. Example: "Department of Social Sciences Pedagogy". School of Education Sciences. University of Granada. Granada, Spain."

  • Name and address of the contact author (clearly indicate postal address, email address and telephone number)

  • Support received to carry out the study in the form of scholarships, equipment or financial resources (where applicable).

  • The abstract will be about 250 words, and must be characterized by: being able to act as a substitute for the text if it is not available, be developed in specific terms, mention the essential points of the article, not include bibliographic citations, materials or data not mentioned in the body text of the article and do not use abbreviations.

  • The title, abstract and the keywords are to be translated into English, not exceeding the character limit expressed previously.

  • The maximum number of keywords allowed will be 5; in this regard, it is advisable to refer to the following link:

  • Brief curricular summary (following the abstract, maximum 500 characters, including spaces).

Types of contributions

Articles: They are to be original and the result of one's own research, the results and conclusions of which advance the discipline. All manuscripts sent to this section will go through an Editorial Process comprised of two evaluation phases: an internal, preliminary evaluation, followed by an external evaluation based on a double-blind system.

Pedagogical innovation: They are to be original and the result of one's own research, their results and conclusions advancing the discipline. All manuscripts sent to this section will undergo an Editorial Process comprised of two evaluation phases: an internal, preliminary evaluation, followed by an external one based on a double-blind system.

Book Reviews: Texts that analyse and critique a recently published work of interest to the journal.

Structure of the works

This guide should be followed for the presentation of both the Articles and the teaching innovation experiences to be published in the UNES. Universidad, Escuela y Sociedad journal. The presentation format is the same for both sections of the journals, with the only exception being the maximum length allowed; for Articles the maximum is 50,000 characters, including spaces; and for Teaching Innovation the maximum is 20,000 characters, including spaces. At the end of this section is the STYLE MANUAL, which must be complied with in its entirety.

These instructions must be carefully complied with for your work to be considered in the evaluation process of the UNES. Universidad, Escuela y Sociedad journal.

Keep in mind that the articles and the educational innovation teaching experiences must be original and derived from one's own research, the results and conclusions of which represent an advance for the discipline of Social Sciences Pedagogy and related sciences.

The length for the Articles section is capped at 50,000 characters, including spaces, notes and bibliographic references. Papers of less than 10 pages will not be considered. In the Teaching Innovation section, the maximum length is 20,000 characters, including spaces, notes and bibliographic references; these papers containing less than 5 pages will not be considered.

The content of the Articles should, preferably, observe the following structure: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusions. In the case of the Teaching Innovation section, this structure may be more flexible, although it must include Introduction, Results and Conclusions sections.

1. Introduction

In the Introduction section the research topic is stated, specifying its justification and scope from the point of view of its importance for solving problems or its contribution to the advancement of knowledge. The main objectives and conclusions of the work should also be clearly set forth. Likewise, a literature review should be included (What research has already been done? What results have been achieved?)

2. Methodology

A detailed description must be included of the sources or materials used, as well as the criteria and procedures employed for the study. The purpose of this section is to inform readers about the research process that was carried out so that it can be replicated or imitated by other researchers.

3. Results

The findings should be identified and described in an intelligible and concise manner. The work should feature, as far as possible, tables, graphics, images and diagrams presenting the results obtained, thereby facilitating their analysis and interpretation.

4. Discussion

The results obtained in the study will be compared or related to previous ones published by other researchers. The similarities and differences with respect to previous studies should be considered.

5. Conclusions

It will contain a synthesis of the approaches taken as they relate to the objectives of the work. In addition, new questions or proposals for improvements should be cited, to be pursued in future research.


The manuscript must be submitted using the MANUSCRIPT TEMPLATES. Two template files (Title Page and Main Text) must be sent through the system enabled on this website (Open Journal Systems).

The sections will be presented in bold and capital letters, with font size 12; and the subsections will also be presented in 12-size font, in bold and lower case. Their numbering will follow the following sequence: 1. / 2. / 2.2. /2.2.1 / /


In-text citations will be without italics and within quotation marks. Those citations exceeding 5 lines of text will be indented 1 cm, in a separate paragraph, placed in italics, and lack quotation marks. Following the citation, the bibliographic reference will be included, following the 7th edition of the APA guidelines, which can be downloaded via the following LINK, including a hyphen in the case of authors who need to indicate multiple surnames. Examples:

- Direct parenthetical quotes. (Martín-Vide, 2016, p. 13). (Lozano, 2019, pp. 24-32).

- Direct narrative quotes. According to Sánchez:

The passage of time has infused with didactic value what could be considered, at the beginning, different content, but content that helps to contextualize a time and certain events for the tourist, and whoever observes, not only due to the theme chosen, but also the way of representing it as a tribute five centuries after 1492. (2020, p. 59).

- Parenthetical indirect quotes. (Romero, 2015); (Cambil-Hernández, 2016; Méndez and Monteserín, 2017).

- Indirect narrative quotes. Finally, García Luque (2016) defines ...

Notes will be reserved primarily for clarification or further bibliographic recommendations not cited in the main text. In any case, an effort will be made to avoid their use, except in cases deemed essential. Notes will go at the end of the text, after the BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES section, be numbered consecutively, and preceded by the word "NOTES" in capital letters and without quotation marks.

Tables and figures (images, graphs, diagrams and maps)

Tables: a maximum of five tables per job will be accepted, to be inserted in the text, although they will also be sent in a separate file, to facilitate the layout work (they are to be sent in Word, Excel, etc, never as an image or photograph, to expedite access to the data). The tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals, having a title at the top, and a legend (if necessary) at the bottom; the font will be Times New Roman 12, with single spacing, and centred. If abbreviations are included, they should be adapted to the general rules for the submission of manuscripts (7th edition of the APA rules).

Regarding the images or illustrations, a maximum of 10 illustrations per job will be accepted, which must be sent in JPG / JPEG or TIFF (300 dpi) format, in separate files not to exceed 2MB in size. Their location in the text will be indicated in this way: "INSERT IMAGE 1". Their quality must be adequate for publication. The size of each image will be adapted for the final publication of the manuscript. All images that do not meet these requirements will be rejected.

In a separate file, the numbered list of each image or captions will be sent, including: numbering (in Arabic numbers), title, author, date ... taking the following example as a reference: Fig. 1. Alonso Narvaez. Our Lady of the Rosary of Chiquinquirá or the Virgin of Chiquinquirá. Oil on cotton canvas. 16th century Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Chiquinquirá. Chiquinquirá Colombia.

Table 1. Title of the table [Times New Roman, lowercase, normal, 12pt]









Legend: a legend will be added, if appropriate, just below the table, and before citing the source.

Source: indicating the origin of the data. Compiled by author.

Figure 1. Name of the figure

Source: indicate the origin of the data; for example: Author.

Other considerations

The use of bold is not allowed, except in the title and in the section headings. Neither is the use of underlining allowed.

If acronyms are used, they shall be written without periods, and their meaning will be clarified below, in parentheses. In the event that the same acronyms are used again, the clarification will no longer be indicated.

For the figures, RAE recommendations will be followed. Thus, numbers with more than four digits will not be separated by periods or commas, but rather will be grouped three by three, and will be separated by a hard space (for example: 327 451). Four-digit numbers will be written without separating spaces (for example: 2458 and not 2 458). However, the integer part of a decimal will be separated by a period: 3.1416.


The preparation of the bibliographic list must follow what is set down in the 7th edition of the APA guidelines. The use of bibliographic reference software, such as "Zotero", or "Mendeley", is recommended. The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is to be included in publications that are associated with it. Here are some examples:


Harvey, D. (2013). Ciudades rebeldes. Del derecho de la ciudad a la revolución urbana. Akal.


Cebrián-Abellán, F. (Ed.). (2018). Ciudades medias y áreas metropolitanas. De la dispersión a la regeneración. Ediciones UCLM.

Liceras-Ruiz, Á. and Romero-Sánchez, G. (Coords). (2016). Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. Fundamentos, contextos y propuestas. Pirámide.


Oyonarte, C., Giménez, E., Villalobos, M. and Guirado, J. (Eds.). (2016). Sierra de Gádor, patrimonio natural e infraestructura verde de Almería.


Toro, F.J. (2017). Milton Santos: A Pioneer in Critical Geography from the Global South. In L. Melgaço & C. Prouse (Coord.), Environmental Crisis Through the Theories of Milton Santos (pp. 137-150). Springer.


Murray, I., Rullán, O. and Blázquez, M. (2005). Las huellas territoriales de deterioro ecológico. El trasfondo oculto de la explosión turística en Baleares. Scripta Nova: Revista electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, 9(199), 181-204.


Sánchez-Moral, S., Arellano, A. and Díez-Pisonero, R. (2018). Interregional mobility of talent in Spain: The role of job opportunities and qualities of places during the recent economic crisis. Environmental and Planning A, 50(4), 789-808.

* Note to consider in the Articles section: when there are more than 8 authors, the first six authors are identified, an ellipsis is used (...) and the last author is added.


Benabent-Fernández-de-Córdoba, M., and Mata-Olmo, R. (13 July 2007). El futuro de la Geografía. Diario El País.


García-Palomares, J.C., Gutiérrez-Puebla, J., Romanillos-Arroyo, G., and Salas-Olmedo, H. (2016). Patrones espaciales de concentración de turistas en Madrid a partir de datos geolocalizados en redes sociales: Panoramio y Twitter. In Aplicaciones de las tecnologías de la Información Geográfica (TIG) para el desarrollo económico sostenible (pp. 131-139). Proceedings from the XVII National Congress of Geographic Information Technologies. Malaga, June 29, 30 and July 1, 2016.


AGE (2015). Un poco de historia. In Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles.


Instituto Nacional de Estadística. (2016). Proyecciones de población 2016-2066 (Número 1). 1254735572981


Sánchez-Escolano, L.M. (March 2018). Conflictos en la posmodernidad urbana. Estrategias y experiencias para una nueva gobernanza. In J. Ferro-Bayona (Presidencia), XII Simposio de ciudades europeas y latinoamericanas: posconflicto, paisaje, ciudad y desarrollo territorial. Conference held at the XXI Cátedra Europa, Barranquilla, Colombia.


Pinos-Navarrete, A. (2016). El impacto del AVE en la actividad turística de las ciudades españolas: el caso de Granada [Master's thesis]. Universidad Complutense.


Capote-Lama, A. (2011). Inmigración marroquí en Andalucía: dinámicas de la movilidad espacial y condiciones de inserción en distintos contextos locales (doctoral thesis). Universidad de Granada.


Books or articles reviews will consist of a maximum of 7,000 characters, including spaces, and will observe the journal's stylistic rules. The beginning of the document should feature complete information on the book reviewed, also indicating the total number of pages it contains. (Ex: Ángel Liceras Ruiz and Guadalupe Romero Sánchez (Coords). (2016). Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. Fundamentos, contextos y propuestas. Madrid: Pyramid, 300 pp).

At the end of the review, the full name of the author and his institutional affiliation must be specified, indicating the department or institute to which he/she belongs and the University or Centre with which he/she is affiliated.

The text will be accompanied by an image of the cover of the book, in colour, with resolution sufficient for its publication (a minimum of 300 dpi).

Its publication date should be within two years of the journal's.


  • Expository summary, indicating the work's topic, content, style, structure and main ideas.

  • Critical commentary: a well-reasoned assessment of the work, both internally and contextually. That is, an internal analysis of the points set forth in the expositive summary; and another contextual analysis of the timeliness and pertinence of those aspects that serve to highlight the relevance of the work in relation to other books and research. One must reference at least 3 other works in each review submitted.


Serán originales y consecuencia de investigaciones propias, cuyos resultados y conclusiones supongan un avance para la disciplina. Todos los manuscritos enviados a esta sección pasarán un Proceso editorial que comprende dos fases de evaluación: una evaluación interna o preliminar y posteriormente una evaluación externa mediante sistema doble ciego.

Las normas detalladas para los autores pueden consultarse en el siguiente enlace: Ver Normas para autores

Teaching Innovation

Serán originales y consecuencia de investigaciones propias, cuyos resultados y conclusiones supongan un avance para la disciplina. Todos los manuscritos enviados a esta sección pasarán un Proceso editorial que comprende dos fases de evaluación: una evaluación interna o preliminar y posteriormente una evaluación externa mediante sistema doble ciego.

Las normas detalladas para los autores pueden consultarse en el siguiente enlace: Ver Normas para autores


Reseñas Bibliográficas

Textos que analizan desde un sentido crítico una obra de reciente publicación de interés para la revista. Las normas detalladas para los autores pueden consultarse en el siguiente enlace: Ver Normas para autores

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses provided to this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by it, and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party or person.