Bodies of the National Cinema Stars in the Spain of the Twenties


  • Elena Cordero Hoyo Universidade de Lisboa / Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid



Archetypes, Cinema, Film Magazines, Spanish Actresses, Star System


This article will explore the different models of women on Spanish cinema screens played by national actresses during the twenties. Those archetypes participated in a transnational and transmedial dialogue in the specialized press and in which political and cultural powers took part. They were interested in regulating women’s bodies and actions guided by national identitarian frames that could serve as an example for the female spectators of the time.


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Author Biography

Elena Cordero Hoyo, Universidade de Lisboa / Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid

Elena Cordero Hoyo tiene un Doctorado Europeo en Estudios Comparados (2022) por la Universidad de Lisboa (FLUL) gracias a una beca FCT (PD/BD/128075/2016). Ha coeditado (con Begoña Soto-Vázquez) el libro Women in Iberian Filmic Culture (Intellect Books, 2020) y su investigación se ha publicado en Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film, Vivomatografías y Rotura. Es jefa de redacción de Secuencias, revista de historia del cine y profesora asociada en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid.


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How to Cite

Cordero Hoyo, Elena. 2023. “Bodies of the National Cinema Stars in the Spain of the Twenties”. Quiroga. Revista De Patrimonio Iberoamericano, no. 22 (October):40-50.



Dossier de Andalucía-América: Patrimonio cultural y relaciones artísticas