Questions of Poetics of Space
Ключевые слова:
narratology, poetics of literary work, poetics of space, topology, spaceАннотация
The poetics of space is the discipline of literary theory, which, like the poetics of time before, became the focus ofmost literary experts. For a long time it was predominantly considered, the same as the poetics of characters, time,actions etc., as a part of the poetics of literary works. However, this paper demonstrates that it is not possible toperceive the poetics just as a part of the poetics of literary works, but the poetics of space manages according to itsscope to be equal to the poetics of literary works or even to exceed it. The proof is carried out with the help of adetailed specification of the various parts of poetics of space, which leads us to distinguish the poetics of space in itsnarrowest, wider and widest sense. The focus is primarily the issue of the meaning of the term „space“ in literature,its types and its differentiation from „place“. Further the other types of space, that affect the area of literary worksand therefore belong to the poetics of space as well, are considered and described in the article.Скачивания
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