Метапоэтические мотивы в художественой структуре повести А.П.Чехова «Дуэль»


  • Tatyana Alpatova Russian




The article examines the system of artistic techniques of A.P. Chekhov, which forms the metapoetic layer in the story “Duel”. The importance of metapoetic motifs in the work is noted, their role in presenting the fundamental idea for Chekhov the writer about mobility, the dynamics of life, the impossibility of a single “correct” statement about a person, a situation, the world around him. A typology of metapoetic motifs in the story is proposed; Particular attention is paid to the specifics of direct metapoetic utterance, which is due to the indication of the “occupation” of the main character – Laevsky (“philologist”). Specific forms of presenting situations of explicit design of the “verbal design” of life impressions are identified (description of nature – assessment / self-esteem of the character – ironic rethinking of the “amalgam” of intertextual references – establishment of a borderline situation of the characters’ transition from a verbal image to the “reality” of the life situation in which they find themselves). Based on the analysis of the story “Duel,” conclusions are drawn about the significance of metapoetic motifs in the writer’s work and about the specifics of their implementation in the system of “indirect utterance” of Chekhov’s prose.

Keywords: A.P. Chekhov, metapoetics, artistic image, interpretation, hero’s speech.



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How to Cite

Alpatova, T. (2024). Метапоэтические мотивы в художественой структуре повести А.П.Чехова «Дуэль». Mundo Eslavo, (23), 20–33. https://doi.org/10.30827/meslav.23.31378



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