Скороходов, М.В. (2020). Помещичья усадьба в русской литературе конца XIX – первой трети XX в.: междисциплинарный подход. Е.В. Глухова (Ред.), Серия «Русская усадьба в мировом контексте», 4. М.: ИМЛИ РАН.


  • Liubov Razhina A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences




This review clarifies the author's position on the problems of the thesaurus on the estate in contemporary literature within an interdisciplinary approach. It examines the reciprocal influences of literary studies, geography, and art history on the study of estate texts and defines the concept of "literary landscape". This review represents an attempt by the author to characterize the model of rural life of a "dacha" and that of an estate. The author focuses his attention on the monograph chapters devoted to analyzing the "topos of the Russian estate" in the works of Sergey Yesenin, Nikolay Klyuyev, Ivan Shmelyov, Boris Zaytsev. In addition, there is an appendix containing materials of practical work on the development of strategic planning carried out by the author for some estates - literary museums.


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How to Cite

Razhina, L. (2023). Скороходов, М.В. (2020). Помещичья усадьба в русской литературе конца XIX – первой трети XX в.: междисциплинарный подход. Е.В. Глухова (Ред.), Серия «Русская усадьба в мировом контексте», 4. М.: ИМЛИ РАН. Mundo Eslavo, (22), 217–221. https://doi.org/10.30827/meslav.22.29683



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