The Intercultural Class of Literature in the Scholar Exchange: Federico García Lorca and Srečko Kosovel


  • Uršula Kastelic Vukadinović Gimnazija Jožeta Plečnika Ljubljana
  • Darinka Ambrož Gimnazija Jožeta Plečnika Ljubljana


poetry, García Lorca, Kosovel, intercultural class, scholar exchange


The article presents the poetry as an extra possibility for the realization of the intercultural class that allows for the development of positive attitudes towards the literature of other languages ​​and cultures and the awakening of the sensitivity of the students. The interdisciplinary didactic sequence arose from the international scholar exchange which included students of the second year of the Gimnazija Jožeta Plečnika Ljubljana high school and the students of the first year of the IES Alhakén II of Cordoba high school. We worked on the poems, written by two great poets, Federico García Lorca and Srečko Kosovel, who are similar in style and message. The class was based on reading the poetry in the original language and in translation, followed by an open discussion about the content and impressions. In the poems of the two poets we find the typical landscape of their place of origin, short verses, the presentiment of premature death, the vision of the inharmonic world expressed through music with sharp rhythms and the influence of the vanguard currents (constructivism in Kosovel and surrealism in García Lorca). The result of this proposal confirms the idea that it is pertinent to choose poetry as a didactic tool in the intercultural work and, in this way, to contribute to the promotion of tolerance and respect.


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How to Cite

Kastelic Vukadinović, U., & Ambrož, D. (2017). The Intercultural Class of Literature in the Scholar Exchange: Federico García Lorca and Srečko Kosovel. Mundo Eslavo, (16), 408–426. Retrieved from


