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  • Ahmed Shafik
Vol. 66 (2017), Articles, pages 237-264
Submitted: Apr 2, 2020 Published: Jan 11, 2017
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Shadow play in Egypt enjoyed a long life with logical periods of rise and decline. There are several causes invoked by critics to explain the precarious knowledge about this genre, particularly after the theatre of Ibn Dāniyāl. This is due primarily to the scarcity of works. The discovery of the manuscript al-Rawḍ al-waḍḍāḥ not only allows bringing to light new texts, but also contributes to settle the necessary basis to draw an accurate trajectory of Shadow play. This article seeks to reconstitute the history of the genre from the well-known titles as well as to edit an anthology of the discovered manuscript.


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Shafik, A. (2017). An unpublished manuscript of shadow play: Kitāb al-rawḍ al-waḍḍāḥ. Study and edition of several texts. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 66, 237–264. Retrieved from