El pagus en la administración territorial romana. Los pagi de la Bética


  • Mª Luisa Cortijo Cerezo


Unlike that which happens in other provinces, the evidences that we have of the betic pagi are very scarce but quite significant. Such as they apper, these pagi identify with the classical roman rnodels, atlthough they might be previous to the conquest. With regarde to the Bética, the inscriptions allow us to realize sorne facts: first, the names that apperar, for the pagi as well as fora the ople, are rnainly rornan or very rornanized; then, the dedications to the genius pagi and the narne Augustus that sorne have, sohow as that there was an assirnilatipn of the rornan religious manifestations; also, the equation ager-pagus-fundus, whixh is evident in sorne inscriptions, refers us tothe territorial scheme of the roman towns; finally, in sorne caes, there are references to mutatio oppidi, which takes us to the proces of fusion that took place in Hispania in the first century a.D., with the territorial politics of the Julius-Claudius and the Flavius (to theis period belong rnost of the inscriptions that we have been able to date). These towns are usually situated in well communicated areas, in relation witth main rivers or roads; two thirds of the mentioned towns had a privileged legal sutatus. From that, in orur opinion, it can be deduced that the betic pagi, such as the preserved inscriptions show thern to us, identify with the model of roman pagus with a territorial meaning.


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Come citare

Cortijo Cerezo, M. L. (2016). El pagus en la administración territorial romana. Los pagi de la Bética. Florentia Iliberritana, (2), 99–116. Recuperato da https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/florentia/article/view/4479


