ICT in higher education to solvent a health crisis


  • Martha Patricia Astudillo Torres Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas (México)




Covid-19, digital divide, virtual education, online education, higher education


The article presents the results of an investigation carried out in a Mexican Higher Education Institution, which aims to explain the teaching and learning process carried out from total virtuality, during the period of confinement caused by the Covid disease pandemic. -19, from the opinion of students in the area of ​​computer science. The applied methodology corresponds to the interpretive perspective, guided by the assumptions of the case study in which the in-depth interview, the focus group and the content analysis are used as information gathering techniques; Similarly, the applied analysis techniques revolve around categorical summation, correspondence and models, and naturalistic generalizations. The main findings indicate that, although Information and Communication Technologies have been the support to give continuity to the educational process, through virtual and online education, students state that these modalities have not allowed them to achieve significant learning, taking into account the preparation of homework, virtual classes, understanding the subject, progress and monitoring of their professional training; particularly, of those students who are in vulnerable environments, evidencing the increase of the digital divide in these contexts.


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Author Biography

Martha Patricia Astudillo Torres, Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas (México)

Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas (México)


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