DIPASQUALE, L.; MECCA, S.; CORREIA, M. (ed) From Vernacular to World Heritage. Firenze University Press, Florencia, 2020.





Cultural heritage, Conservation, Restoration, Built heritage, Vernacular architecture, Sustainability, Europe, European projects


The results of the 3dPast - Living & virtual visiting European World Heritage research project, completed in 2020, are presented in this publication, bringing together the experience of a large number of researchers in heritage sites recognised by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites, in places such as Portugal, Spain, Italy and Finland, among others; aiming to offer an interesting series of reflections and strategies for the enhancement and dissemination of the architectural quality of European cultural heritage in its different dimensions, through contemporary tools, technologies and dissemination channels that could provide new perspectives of enhancement and face the different challenges of current scenarios.


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Author Biography

Sergio Manzano Fernández, Arquitecto

Arquitecto y máster en conservación del patrimonio arquitectónico por la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), actualmente doctorando en el Programa de Doctorado en Arquitectura, Edificación, Urbanística y Paisaje de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). Sus líneas de investigación se han enmarcado en torno a la arquitectura de tierra de la Península Ibérica y los riesgos que amenazan su preservación desde el ámbito natural, social y antrópico, con especial atención a la casuística y características de la misma en los yacimientos arqueológicos.





How to Cite

Manzano Fernández, S. (2021). DIPASQUALE, L.; MECCA, S.; CORREIA, M. (ed) From Vernacular to World Heritage. Firenze University Press, Florencia, 2020. Erph_ Electronic Journal of Historical Heritage, (29), 155–156. https://doi.org/10.30827/erph.vi29.23552


