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  • João Góis Ramalho Instituto Superior Bissaya Barreto de Coimbra Instituto Superior da Educação e do Trabalho do Porto
  • Anabela Panão Ramalho Escola Superior de Educação do Instituo Politécnico de Coimbra
No. 7 (2015), Articles, pages 177-186
Submitted: Feb 6, 2018 Accepted: Feb 6, 2018 Published: Mar 1, 2015
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Aging as a natural process of human life has led civil society to take measures to provide a set of fundamental rights that are registered in the Portuguese Constitution.

The increase of people's longevity and, as a result, their natural integration in active life, one of the aims that the UN and the EU consider as priorities, pose  challenges and require answers from present society.

In the light of what we have said, we would like to offer an analysis of social answers and the training needed to provide the elderly with appropriate solutions to their problems.

We also hope to show the discrimination suffered by them on account of Portuguese labor laws, which violate the equality of rights declared in article 13 of the Portuguese Constitution.


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Góis Ramalho, J., & Panão Ramalho, A. (2015). The role of Higher Educational Studies in Social Policies and the inadequacy of Labor Laws regarding the aging phenom. DEDiCA. Revista De Educação E Humanidades, (7), 177–186.