Vol. 60 No. 2 (2021)

Published: 2021-06-17

Table of contents

Typology and evolution of Spanish airports in relation to cargo transport

  • Daniel Cruz Alonso
  • Carlos López-Escolano
Published: Jun 17, 2021
Pages 6-30

Validity of an instrument to measure territorial competence. Matrix READI matrix for the self-assessment of competent territories

  • Enric Sigalat Signes
  • Ricard Calvo Palomares
  • Juli Antoni Aguado Hernández
  • Raúl Payá Castiblanque
Published: Jun 17, 2021
Pages 31-51

Geoheritage and geotourism in volcanic Tenerife´s natural protected areas (Canary Islands, Spain)

  • Javier Dóniz-Páez
  • Rafael Becerra-Ramírez
  • Esther Beltrán Yanes
Published: Jun 20, 2021
Pages 52-71

Environmental and constructive characteristics of drainage galleries of subalveal waters in semi-arid environments of south-eastern Spain and Tunisia

  • Ghaleb Fansa Saleh
  • Alejandro José Pérez Cueva
  • Jorge Hermosilla Pla
  • Emilio Iranzo García
Published: Jun 28, 2021
Pages 147-170

Water heritage and landscape of l’Horta Sud as resources for a didactic proposal

  • Estefanía de la Vega Zamorano
  • Emilio Iranzo García
Published: Jun 30, 2021
Pages 192-213

Urban hierarchy in the metropolitan area of Malaga (Spain)

  • Jesús Montosa Muñoz
  • Sergio Reyes Corredera
Published: Jul 3, 2021
Pages 214-235

History and landscape changes in two “ejidos” of the Lacandonian Rainforest, Chiapas

  • Diana del Carmen Ríos Quiroz
  • Miguel Angel Castillo Santiago
  • Francisco Guízar Vázquez
  • Leopoldo Medina Sanson
Published: Jul 3, 2021
Pages 236-254

Recognition of farmers´ knowledge through a participatory community mapping. Paipa-Colombia

  • Andrés Felipe Bautista
  • Yamile Pedraza-Jiménez
  • Francisco Díaz-Marquez
Published: Jul 6, 2021
Pages 297-313