Ethnic Identity in Language and Communication
ethnic identity, I-culture, we-culture, I-identity, we-identity, communicative ethno style, intercultural communicationAbstract
In a situation of increasing intercultural communication, the problem of identity has become particularly topical (Jenkins 2004, Phinney 2003, Phinney and Ong 2007, Spreckels and Kotthoff 2009 and many others). As a result of globalization and the phenomenon of migration, contact between cultures is ever more frequent, and awareness of cultural factors in intercultural interaction has become more necessary than ever. The aim of this paper is to analyse some aspects of Russian ethnic identity, especially their sense of themselves and modes of interaction with others, through a comparison with representatives of English (Anglo-Saxon) culture and to show how the differences in identity are embedded in language and communication. The results of lexical, semantic, pragmatic and discourse analyses have shown that the we-orientation is still typical of Russians, while an I-orientation is an inherent feature of the English. These differences in identity are embedded on different levels of the language and can be observed in communication. They define, in fact, the rules of communication, the choice of communicative strategies, and influence the formation of communicative ethno styles (Larina 2015). The results of the study testify to the prospects of an interdisciplinary approach, and provide new data on the interdetermination of culture, mentality, language and communication, allowing for the monitoring of consistency of relations, which is necessary for solving theoretical problems, as well as for successful cross-cultural communication.
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