Problems of Atypical Interiorization of Multi-Valued Omonyms of the Non-Native Language (based on the Relation of the Word “Предложение” to its Corresponding Words in English and Yoruba)
linguistic interiorization, reasons for low level of language interiorization, cross-cultural communication, cognitive linguisticsAbstract
The article is devoted to research of interiorization process as a linguistic action which involves the intended external knowledge transfer in terms of the target language elements into the inner linguistic knowledge of an individual in process of non-native language learning. Linguistic interiorization suggests that a student learns a new linguistic reality by perceiving it through the prism of his or her mother language or an interlanguage via their comparison, that is, revealing similarities and differences between them. The research includes the analysis of the language data recorded in dictionaries and their use in the particular contextual conditions. Based on the analysis presented, the author identifies some causes that complicate the linguistic interiorization. Among these reasons, the author calls the unequal semantic volume of words in the studied and native languages, the functioning of homonyms complicated by multiple connotations, and the involvement of other words forming a semantic network with multiple vibration zones. It was concluded that incongruity of the linguistic structures in mother and non-native languages reduces effectiveness of the new language learning, making interiorization unstable. In this case, referring to a mediator language and a mother language helps overcome the reasons for low level of internalization.
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