Establishment of the State Category as an Independent Part of Speech in Modern Russian
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category of state, statives, semantic derivation, semantic transformations, intercategorical transition, cultural language codeResumen
The article is devoted to the study of formation and establishment of the latest and most ambiguous part of speech in Russian, that is, the category of state. This category is very important for the thinking of native speakers of the Russian language and represents an important part of the language code. Despite the fact that studies of statives have been conducted since the second half of the 20th century, the status of this part of speech and its structure are still uncertain. Not all dictionaries, for example, recognize the existence of state category as an independent part of speech. In dictionary articles for statives, they use the special designation "in function of predicate." However, some recent dictionaries distinguish the category of state as an autonomous part of speech. The study reveals that the state category expands due to the intercategorical transition of words from one part of speech to another. Many words function both as words belonging to the original part of speech and as words belonging to the category of state. However, in some cases, not only the words of the category displace the state of the original nouns and adverbs, as a result of which the use of nouns and adverbs begins to fade away, but even the utilization of the words of the original affiliation. At the end of the study, conclusions were made containing information on how the category of state becomes an independent part of speech and how it continues to replenish.
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