Rheological study of semiconsistant excipients applied in ointment pharmaceutical technology. II. Indefinite penetration.


  • A. Cerezo
  • J. Mª. Suñé


Meaning the importance of resorting to the obtaining of penetration / time curves or rheograms, for the qualification of semiconsistent substances, it is passed to the verification of its practical utility, by means of the study of substances of different combinations of them. For this, obtained the rheograms, we proceed to obtain two penetration values ​​(5 and 120 seconds), which are considered sufficient to delimit a quivalent line to the obtained rheogram, since the experimental values ​​do not reach in any case on the value of the line, errors greater than + -5% established as a maximum in previous works. The parameters of said lines are used to determine tested, since substances of the same order in the origin differ markedly in the value of the angular coefficient and vice versa.


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Cómo citar

Cerezo A, Suñé JM. Rheological study of semiconsistant excipients applied in ointment pharmaceutical technology. II. Indefinite penetration. Ars Pharm [Internet]. 20 de junio de 1969 [citado 15 de marzo de 2025];10(7-10):267-83. Disponible en: https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/ars/article/view/9665



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