Knowledge Integration Activities in the Pharmacy Degree. Application in the Toxicology Subject
integration, knowledge, subjects, pharmaceutical sciencesAbstract
Aim. During the last years the professors of the Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutic Chemistry have initiated a set of teaching actions with the aim of promoting the improvement of knowledge integration capacities corresponding to the subjects taught to students of Pharmacy degree; as well as a multidisciplinary and retroactive continuous evaluation model allowing to objectify its achievement.
Methods. In order to develop these integration actions and their subsequent evaluation, several subjects of the Department have been coordinated and the knowledge necessary for understanding the contents of following courses have been analyzed. Within the subject of Toxicology, we have developed a set of actions based on the design, application and, in some cases, evaluation of a variety of activities.
Results. In order to assess the success of these actions, we have compared the results obtained in a test of integration questions at the beginning of the course with the results of another test at the end of the course. The results obtained in the four items compared show a significant improvement in one question, a maintenance of results in another, and a non-significant relative improvement in the other two.
Conclusions. We can conclude that the actions developed have partially achieved the proposed objectives. We consider that this tool can be very useful to promote greater coordination among teachers in the design of joint and transversal teaching materials and in integrated evaluation models.
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