The effect of written information provided by pharmacists on compliance with antibiotherapy


  • M MACHUCA Doctor en Farmacia. Farmacéutico comunitario en Sevilla. Grupo De Investigación en Farmacología Aplicada y Farmacoterapia de la Universidad de Sevilla (CTS- 259)
  • J ESPEJO Licenciado en Farmacia. Farmacéutico comunitario en Adra (Almería). Grupo de Investigación en Atención Farmacéutica de la Universidad de Granada (CTS- 131)
  • L GUTIÉRREZ Licenciada en Farmacia. Farmacéutica comunitaria en Sevilla
  • MP MACHUCA Licenciada en Farmacia. Farmacéutica comunitaria en Sevilla
  • J HERRERA Doctor en Farmacia. Profesor titular del Departamento de Farmacia y Tecnología Farmacéutica. Universidad de Sevilla


Therapeutic compliance, Antibiotherapy, Pharmaceutical care, contradict appropriate antibiotic administration policies


Non-compliance with therapeutic guidelines represents a potential public health risk, given that it contributes to bacterialresistance. One of the strategies used to improve compliance to such guidelines is to provide the patient with betterinformation in written form. The objectives of the present investigation were the following; To evaluate the influencethat written information, provided by the community pharmacist, has on compliance with antibiotic therapy, to verify theconsequences of degree of compliance on patient health, and to discover other factors influencing patient compliance.The experimental study was carried on patients that attend a community pharmacy for antibiotic prescriptions. Membersof the control group were given information in verbal form only, while members of the experimental group were giventhe same information in both verbal and written form. The degree of compliance was determined through telephoneinterviews, carried out the day after having finished treatment. 214 patients completed the study. A 14% increase incompliance among members of the experimental group was achieved. Patients that had completed treatment, had a betterperception of their own health than those that had not. Another factor found to have a significant influence oncompliance was the number of daily dosages.In conclusion, the written information provided by the pharmacist improves therapeutic compliance. Therapeutic complianceimproves patients’ perception of their state of health. The number of daily dosages also have an influence to bear, butcontradict appropriate antibiotic administration policies.


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How to Cite

MACHUCA M, ESPEJO J, GUTIÉRREZ L, MACHUCA M, HERRERA J. The effect of written information provided by pharmacists on compliance with antibiotherapy. Ars Pharm [Internet]. 2003 Mar. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];44(2):141-57. Available from:



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