Total Quality Management in the Pharmacy: "Evaluation of the Quality Plan". (Part 2)
Pharmaceutical Care, Total Quality Management (TQM), Pharmaceutical Administration, Quality assuranceAbstract
To speak of quality pre-supposes that it is both appropriate and possible to verify the distinguishing elements orattributes that are characteristic of an object or entity. The consideration of Quality in pharmaceutical services, impliesthat the service provided fully fulfils the expectations of those using the service.In this report the preliminary results of the first stages of the application of the Quality Scheme and its impact on thegrowth of pharmaceutical service are considered.From the results obtained it became apparent that a successful outcome of the scheme depends upon the consolidationof the pharmacist - patient/client relationship. This factor was found to be of prime importance and was considered asa central element in the process of pharmaceutical care, within the concept of total quality.On the other hand, the analysis of the results of the bookkeeping records (not given in this report), shows that as aconsequence of the management scheme and the planning of the strategic processes of the service, greater efficiency inthe management of financial resources and a restriction on costs had been achieved.
In summary, the application of the quality scheme produced an increase in profits, as a direct consequence of thereduction of costs related to non-quality activities (poor attention given to the patient, lack of information, high numberof returned expired drugs, etc.) and an increase in productivity associated with drug dispensing and good pharmaceuticalattention practices.Finally, it may be stated that our hypothesis was correct and that the development of quality and its pursuance go handin hand with the development and professional advancement within the ethical framework of the provision of a service.
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