Dader method to provide pharmacotherapy follow up


  • GRUPO DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN ATENCIÓN FARMACÉUTICA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA Facultad de Farmacia. Campus de Cartuja s/n. Universidad de Granada. 18071 Granada.


Dáder Method, Pharmaceutical care, Drug related problems, Pharmacotherapy follow up


Pharmacotherapy follow up is a professional practice in which the pharmacist is responsible for themedicine-related needs expressed by the patients, by detecting, preventing and solving drug relatedproblems. The Dáder Method for pharmacotherapy follow up has been developed by the PharmaceuticalCare Research Group of the University of Granada, in Spain. It is based on the use of the patient’pharmacotherapy record, the assessment of his assessment form, the identification of drug relatedproblems, the consequent pharmacist intervention and the evaluation of the achieved outcomes. In thispaper, the different carried out processes and the documentation system used in this method, aredescribed. The Dáder Method has been used in numerous countries, by hundreds of pharmacists, andapplied to thousands of patients.


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How to Cite

EN ATENCIÓN FARMACÉUTICA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA GDI. Dader method to provide pharmacotherapy follow up. Ars Pharm [Internet]. 2005 Sep. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];46(4):309-35. Available from:



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