Pharmacotherapy follow-up: as a quality component in patient care


  • MI BAENA Grupo de Investigación en Atención Farmacéutica Universidad de Granada CTS-131 Facultad de Farmacia Campus de Cartuja s/n, 18071 Granada
  • J MARTÍNEZ-OLMOS Grupo de Investigación en Atención Farmacéutica Universidad de Granada CTS-131 Facultad de Farmacia Campus de Cartuja s/n, 18071 Granada
  • MJ FAUS Grupo de Investigación en Atención Farmacéutica Universidad de Granada CTS-131 Facultad de Farmacia Campus de Cartuja s/n, 18071 Granada
  • P FAJARDO Grupo de Investigación en Atención Farmacéutica Universidad de Granada CTS-131 Facultad de Farmacia Campus de Cartuja s/n, 18071 Granada
  • F MARTÍNEZ-MARTÍNEZ Grupo de Investigación en Atención Farmacéutica Universidad de Granada CTS-131 Facultad de Farmacia Campus de Cartuja s/n, 18071 Granada


Pharmacotherapy follow-up, Quality in health, Patient safety, Drug Therapy Problems


The principal aim of management of the Quality of Care is to assure patient satisfaction, through theactive involvement of health care staff and the incorporation of strategies, whose main aim is to achievecontinuous improvement in clinical activities and to incorporate patient safety as one of its principlecomponents.The management of patient safety is a means to minimizing any possible harm to patients in careprocesses, including the use of medicines. The principles of patient safety can be applied to both levelsof patient care and involve all health care professionals. The risk management is an integral part ofpatient care. Patient safety depends on the solution of problems and the prevention of errors.

The pharmacist’s role in patient safety is carried out through Pharmaceutical Care processes and especiallythrough Pharmacotherapy follow-up (PF), which aims to prevent, detect and resolve Drug TherapyProblems (DTP).One of the main difficulties associated with this field is the lack of uniformity of the results obtainedthroughout the different studies carried out, where differences in definitions occur, as in the classificationof drug problems themselves, where process and result are constantly intermingled: Adverse effect,undesirable events, medication errors, DTP, etc.The criteria for classifying such aspects should be uniform, so as to make common information available,which will enable pharmacists to obtain greater knowledge on prevalence, their types, causes, severityand consequences.There is a general desire to improve upon patient safety, to assess the technological processes involvedin evaluating effectiveness and safety, and to certify the establishments and health care professionalsresponsible for such processes.This same approach should also be applied to PF, which is subject to the same basic safety principles.As in the case of all work carried out within the health system, the work of the pharmacist involvesthe professional and ethical responsibility of making his knowledge, experience and methodology availableto his patients. Pharmacists now have the opportunity of making a significant contribution to patientsafety, both in general terms and more specifically in the use of medicines, in a field which is currentlyset for future development.


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How to Cite

BAENA M, MARTÍNEZ-OLMOS J, FAUS M, FAJARDO P, MARTÍNEZ-MARTÍNEZ F. Pharmacotherapy follow-up: as a quality component in patient care. Ars Pharm [Internet]. 2005 Jun. 16 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];46(3):213-32. Available from:



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