Polyethylene glycol as a de-aggregating agent in the preparation of celecoxib loaded gelatin microspheres


  • H THAKKAR Drug Delivery Laboratory, Centre of Relevance and excellence in NDDS, Pharmacy Department
  • RSR MURTHY Drug Delivery Laboratory, Centre of Relevance and excellence in NDDS, Pharmacy Department


De-aggregating agent, Gelatin microspheres, Poly-ethylene glycol


Gelatin microspheres with high entrapment efficiency were prepared using emulsification chemical crosslinkingmethod using polyethylene glycol as a de-aggregating agent. Two different cross-linking agentsviz. formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde were used for cross-linking gelatin. The prepared microsphereswere characterized for entrapment efficiency, particles size, in-vitro drug release and the morphologywas studied by scanning electron microscopy. The FTIR studies indicated that there is no chemicalinteraction between gelatin and PEG. PEG acts only as a barrier to the aggregation of the gelatinmicrodrops present in the internal phase of the emulsion, while preparation. In-vitro drug release studiesindicated that the microspheres cross-linked using glutaraldehyde showed slower release rate than thosecross-linked with formaldehyde. Burst release was observed in both the cases. In general, about 40%of the drug is released in the first hour followed by a slow release for about 96 hours for glutaraldehydecross-linked microspheres.


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How to Cite

THAKKAR H, MURTHY R. Polyethylene glycol as a de-aggregating agent in the preparation of celecoxib loaded gelatin microspheres. Ars Pharm [Internet]. [cited 2024 May 19];46(1):19-34. Available from: https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/ars/article/view/5061



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