The influence of storage vessel, incubation time and temperature on the stability of 99mTc-tetrofosmin


  • J PÉREZ Red de Unidades de Radiofarmacia de General Electric Healthcare. General Electric Healthcare Edificio EXPO. C/ Inca Gracilaso, s/n. 41092 SEVILLA
  • J VADILLO Red de Unidades de Radiofarmacia de General Electric Healthcare. General Electric Healthcare Edificio EXPO. C/ Inca Gracilaso, s/n. 41092 SEVILLA
  • P PASTOR Red de Unidades de Radiofarmacia de General Electric Healthcare. General Electric Healthcare Edificio EXPO. C/ Inca Gracilaso, s/n. 41092 SEVILLA
  • J CASTILLO Red de Unidades de Radiofarmacia de General Electric Healthcare. General Electric Healthcare Edificio EXPO. C/ Inca Gracilaso, s/n. 41092 SEVILLA
  • M MELGAREJO Red de Unidades de Radiofarmacia de General Electric Healthcare. General Electric Healthcare Edificio EXPO. C/ Inca Gracilaso, s/n. 41092 SEVILLA
  • R BLASCO Red de Unidades de Radiofarmacia de General Electric Healthcare. General Electric Healthcare Edificio EXPO. C/ Inca Gracilaso, s/n. 41092 SEVILLA


99mTc-tetrofosmin, Radio Chemical Purity (RCP), Temperature, Phosphines


Aim: To determine the stability and radio chemical purity (RCP) of 99mTc-tetrofosmin kept for different time intervalsof up to 12 hours, the maximum recommended by the manufacturers, at different temperatures (18-25º C or room temperature,32ºC & 2-8ºC), in both reactive equipment vials or in syringes, and to determine whether shorter or longerincubation times, other than the recommended 20 minute period, could affect the RCP of doses of the radiopharmaceutical.Materials and Methods: 40 vials of phosphine were labelled in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.Three different storage temperature conditions were studied, in order to determine how possible extremes may affectdosages of the drug. Results: The average RCP percentages of the radiofarmaceutical incubated in vials and syringeswere 95.79±2.32 & 96.16±2.32 respectively, with no signifi cant differences observed. Stability at different temperaturesand different time intervals was over 90% in all cases. Conclusions: The 99mTc-tetrofosmin complex remains stable for12 hours, whether it is incubated in the original reactive equipment or within insulin syringes with needle. Additionally,the radiopharmaceutical also remained stable at the different studied storage temperatures and at all time intervalsfor up to 12 hours.


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How to Cite

PÉREZ J, VADILLO J, PASTOR P, CASTILLO J, MELGAREJO M, BLASCO R. The influence of storage vessel, incubation time and temperature on the stability of 99mTc-tetrofosmin. Ars Pharm [Internet]. 2007 Sep. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];48(3):249-57. Available from:



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