Third Consensus of Granada on Drug Related Problems (DRP) and Negative Outcomes associated with Medication (NOM)




Drug Related Problems, Negative Outcomes associated with Medication, Pharmaceutical care, Drug use, Clinical outcomes


As a consequence of the widespread prevalence of problems associated with the use of medicines, the concept of DrugRelated Problems (DRP) was established in 1990 in Spain. Through the fi rst Consensus of Granada in 1998, a defi nitionof this term was reached, in which the varying related problems were classifi ed into 6 categories. With the experiencegained from this defi nition and classifi cation, a second consensus was subsequently published in 2002, which in turn hasnow lead to the third Consensus of Granada on Drug Related Problems (DRP) and Negative Outcomes associated withMedication (NOM), recognising the signifi cance of DRPs as elements of process and as the cause of (NOM). In thisthird work, DRPs and NOMs are defi ned, and a list of DRPs and a classifi cation of NOMs has been compiled. Finally,the defi nition of Pharmacotherapy Monitoring from the Consensus on Pharmaceutical Care of the Ministry of Healthand Consumption of Spain published in 2001 was adapted, in accordance with new concepts of MRP and NOM.


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How to Cite

DE CONSENSO C. Third Consensus of Granada on Drug Related Problems (DRP) and Negative Outcomes associated with Medication (NOM). Ars Pharm [Internet]. 2007 Apr. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];48(1):5-17. Available from:



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