Stability of chitosan derived from lobster chitin Panulirus Argus, raw material


  • Nilia de la Paz Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos. La Habana (Cuba).
  • Dania Pérez Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos. La Habana (Cuba).
  • Mirna Fernández Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos. La Habana (Cuba).
  • Caridad García Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos. La Habana (Cuba).
  • Orestes López Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos. La Habana (Cuba).
  • Antonio Nogueira Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos. La Habana (Cuba).


Degree of deacetylation, Potentiometric method, Chitosan, Validation of Analytical methods, Stability


Aim: To study the stability of chitosan derived from lobster, raw material for which was developed and validated a potentiometric method for determining the degree of deacetylation of biopolymer.

Materials and Methods: We evaluated the parameters of linearity, sensitivity, robustness, accuracy, precision and specificity of a potentiometric method. Were performed stability studies with three pilot scale batches of chitosan under accelerated conditions, for six months, and shelf life during two years. Organoleptic characteristics, degree of deacetylation, loss of drying and microbiological analysis, at the beginning and end of the study, were determined.

Results and Discussion: It was shown that the developed method was linear in the range of 1.25 to 3.75 mg / mL, with a detection limit of 1 mg / mL and 3 mg / mL as the limit of quantification, specific, accurate, precise and robust, so that it can be used in quality control and stability of polymer. Chitosan raw material, kept the parameters that determine its quality, in its initial stage as well as after six months under accelerated conditions (40 ± 2 °C, RH = 75 ± 5%) and twenty-four months at room temperature (30 ± 2 °C, RH = 70 ± 5%).

Conclusion: It was shown that chitosan, stored at room temperature in a dry place, in double polyethylene bags and multilayer paper bags conserved for twenty four months their physical, chemical and microbiological properties.


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How to Cite

de la Paz N, Pérez D, Fernández M, García C, López O, Nogueira A. Stability of chitosan derived from lobster chitin Panulirus Argus, raw material. Ars Pharm [Internet]. 2013 Dec. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];54(4):16-23. Available from:



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