Advantages and disadvantages of the obligatory attendance to “physiology of the digestion”, a posgraduate subject.


  • F Nogales Dpto. Fisiología. Facultad Farmacia. Universidad Sevilla (España)
  • ML Ojeda Dpto. Fisiología. Facultad Farmacia. Universidad Sevilla (España)
  • O Carreras Dpto. Fisiología. Facultad Farmacia. Universidad Sevilla (España)


Classes, Classroom attendance, Evaluation criteria, Graduate, Mandatory attendance


Aim: The current evaluation criteria assess not only the acquisition of cognitive skills that facilitate the gradual assimilation of the contents, but also specific responsibilities to develop the professional profile. Therefore, in this study we analyzed advantages and disadvantages of obligatory daily attendance respect to free for the postgraduate subject Physiology of the digestion of the Master Physiology and Neuroscience of the University of Seville.

Material and Methods: We compared the scores of students in the postgraduate subject of Physiology of Digestion during two academic courses (courses 2010-2011 and 2011-2012), with obligatory attendance, and the two following courses (2012-2013 and 2013-2014) where this criterion was not evaluated.

Results and Discussion: Students with obligatory attendance didn’t attended more to class that their free attendance partners; they even had a lower percentage of maximum qualifications. These students presented about a 5% of failing grades. When attendance was free, students didn’t fail and participated with more interest in innovation activity.

Conclusions: According to these results, we could suggest that in postgraduate studies the mandatory attendance decreased the interest and efficiency of students. However, the free attendance promoted participation in class and in complementary innovation activity, and it also improved the qualifications of students. Therefore, mandatory attendance is not a good evaluation criterion for the subject of Physiology of Digestion


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How to Cite

Nogales F, Ojeda M, Carreras O. Advantages and disadvantages of the obligatory attendance to “physiology of the digestion”, a posgraduate subject. Ars Pharm [Internet]. 2014 Dec. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];55(4):38-43. Available from:



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