Validity of questionnaires used in Health Sciences


  • José P. García-Corpas Grupo de Investigación en Atención Farmacéutica. Universidad de Granada (España)
  • Elisa Pareja Martínez Farmacia Gómez-Parera CB (Armilla). Granada. España.
  • Elisabeth Esquivel Prados Farmacia Gómez-Parera CB (Armilla). Granada. España.


Psychometric Properties, Questionnaires, Validity.


Community pharmacists are getting incorporated to biomedical research. Measurements tools are often used. One of the most used is questionnaires. However, a questionnaire is useful if it has certain characteristics such as validity and reliability. Traditionally the validity of a scale is divided into “content validity”, “face validity”, “criterion validity” and “construct validity”. In order to ensure that obtained values represent faithfully the studied facts, all of them must be demonstrated. For this reason, these properties should be checked in each study sample, to ensure the accuracy of the results and support the existing evidence that is a good measurement tool or not.


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How to Cite

García-Corpas JP, Pareja Martínez E, Esquivel Prados E. Validity of questionnaires used in Health Sciences. Ars Pharm [Internet]. 2014 Jun. 20 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];55(2):42-6. Available from:



Methodological Notes